Professional Associations

Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs is accredited by the Accrediting Commissions of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC).

The school is authorized Georgia Non-Public Post Secondary Education Commission (GNPEC).

Why are these associations important? They are important because because they are independent bodies who help us follow regulations, both federal and state. They help us monitor our students, graduates, instructors and other employees to ensure they are high quality and continue to stay ahead of the information curve.

Approved for Veteran's Administration (VA) benefits.
Approved by the Georgia Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (Voc Rehab).

Contact us if you are interested in learning more about our school and how you can help better the future in your field of choice.

Is Aid Available?

Federal Financial Aid available to those who qualify.

Gwinnett College - Sandy Springs is approved for VA benefits. The school is approved to accept students through Vocational Rehabilitation. We are also approved for WIA benefits in the Medical Assisting and Medical Office Administration programs.

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    We are school members of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA).

    The mission of the American Massage Therapy Association is to serve AMTA members while advancing the art, science and practice of massage therapy.
Visit AMTA


    Our school and its massage therapy students/graduates are approved by both the NCBTMB and FSMTB to sit for each respective national exam.




We are an approved testing site

for the National Center for Comeptency Testing for Medical Assistants and Medical Office Administrators. Students and graduates from those programs are able to take the tests (based upon progam) to become Nationally Certified Medical Assistants and Nationally Certified Medical Office Administrators (other tests also available).